Christopher Shaw Hood, a beloved husband, father, and esteemed local truck driver at Old Dominion, has passed away. Born in Flint, Michigan on November 24, 1970, Chris grew up in Holly, Michigan where he graduated from Brandon High School.
Throughout his life, Chris cherished the time spent with his family and friends. He met his wife Amanda in 2015 at a common stop while working for Central. While working at Old Dominion, a company he always spoke highly of for treating him like family. Not long after meeting Amanda, Chris took her on a memorable hot air balloon ride where he gathered all his courage to propose in front of three other people. Their love story was one filled with adventure and joy.
Chris was a dedicated family man and took immense pride in becoming a father. When he discovered Amanda was pregnant with their daughter Lauren, it brought him unparalleled happiness. Ever since that momentous occasion, nothing in the world could faze him - even changing his daughter's diaper for the first time was a task he fearlessly embraced after seeking guidance from a nurse.
A man of many talents, Chris was known for his handiwork around the house. Whether he was remodeling the bedroom and bathroom or creating beautifully landscaped flower beds that looked professionally done, his skills knew no bounds. While initially quiet and reserved, those who had the privilege of knowing Chris would attest to the fact that once he opened up to you, he showered you with all his energy and unwavering love.
In his leisure time, Chris found solace in nature. He enjoyed fishing and had a deep-seated desire for hunting. His love for travel took him far and wide - from Mexico to Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon to Jamaica, Turks and Caicos to various destinations across Michigan and Ohio. These adventures were best shared with loved ones as Chris found immense joy in ensuring his family felt loved, happy, and above all else - safe.
On January 28, 2017, Chris married Amanda on a perfect day lightly dusted with snow; a day that marked one of his proudest accomplishments alongside becoming a father.
Christopher Shaw Hood is survived by his loving wife Amanda Hood and their daughter Lauren Hood. In this time of great loss, may we remember Christopher for the light he brought into the lives of those around him and the legacy of love he leaves behind.
Rest in peace Christopher Shaw Hood. Your memory will forever be cherished by all who were fortunate enough to have known you.